Our Space

We have two studio rooms, one with heat panels and one without. The studio provides props including blocks, straps, and blankets.

Far InfraRed Heat Panels

Far InfraRed light (FIR) or “biogenetic radiation” is a wavelength of light too long to be seen by the human eye with a wavelength of 50-1000 µm. Materials, some manmade like specialized FIR ceramics (panels, beads, fabrics), and some natural like jade stone, can also produce FIR when heated to body temperature.

Though we cannot see this wavelength, our body perceives it as gentle radiant heat and that been shown to induce molecular vibration of up to 1.5 inches beneath the skin’s surface. Studies have demonstrated that this wavelength has both inhibitory and stimulatory biologic effects, enhancing microcirculation beyond a “normal” heat developed by shorter wavelengths.

The benefits of enhanced FIR microcirculation may include improved healing, reduced cellular damage during exercise, reduced pain, improved blood flow to nerves, nervous system and muscles, and improved mitochondrial function.

It is critical, as many of the molecular bonds in the human body are water bonds, that hydration be maintained when using FIR modalities.

The science on FIR and it’s medical and health continues to evolve, but existing evidence only points to benefit. In order to ensure you do not experience any harm from the HEAT induced by FIR, ensure that the set temperature when using a ceramic panel or FIR sauna, is not too high, that exposure time is appropriate for your level of health, AND THAT YOU STAY HYDRATED.

As with anything impacting your body, start low and go slow to determine your particular tolerance to FIR. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, please discuss any potential harm or side effects with your physician prior to use. And finally, if in doubt, stop.